A summary of key rules are listed here – this summary is not to be considered the official source. They are provided here solely for quick reference. For complete, and official JBO rules, please refer to the official JBO Rule Book.

Field sizes by division:

Game Length:

Official End of GameAfter 5 innings
4 1/2 if home team is ahead
After 6 innings
5 1/2 if home team is ahead
After 7 innings
6 1/2 if home team is ahead
Due to Weather or Darkness3 innings constitute a legal game
2 1/2 if home team is ahead
4 innings constitute a legal game
3 1/2 if home team is ahead
5 innings constitute a legal game
4 1/2 if home team is ahead

If a legal game is not completed, the game is a continuation.

In the case of Weather or Darkness:

  1. If a legal game is completed, both teams have had an equal number of complete turns at bat and the score is tied, it is a continuation.
  2. If a legal game is completed, both teams have not had an equal number of complete turns at bat and the score is tied, the score shall be the same as it was at the end of the last completed inning. If the score was tied at the end of the last completed inning, then the game is a continuation.

To report a continuation, fill out the game report form and indicate that the game was suspended. Pitch counts for the game should be reported, along with the score and number of innings completed at time of suspension.

Refer to JBO Rule Book, for more information.

Games Played at THPRD HMT Fields 1 and 2:

ONLY When there are TWO games on a calendar day at HMT 1 or 2:

  1. Stopped games ending in a tie are a tie, or to be completed at a future date if the calendar and field are available as an official JBO game resuming play under play suspension rules
  2. Stopped games where a full inning is not completed the final score reverts back to the last full completed inning, if a “complete game” 5 full innings have been played.
  3. Situations where neither are a ‘complete game’ by JBO rules 5 innings in Senior Level, then this is treated in the same way a rain out or game suspended by darkness rules on page 9 rules T, U, V.

Fielding a Team:

Teams are allowed 15 minutes to field a team of nine players prior to the declaration of a forfeit.

For National level, a team can play with eight players. Each time the ninth spot comes up to bat, an out is given. If the line-up drops below eight, then the game will be a forfeit.

Each team will bat its entire roster.

Each player must play a minimum of 6 defensive outs (9 for Senior level). If a player arrives late and is unable to complete his/her defensive outs, they must be inserted immediately and play until the game is completed or they have played their required 6 defensive outs.

A player arriving after the game has started will be inserted at the end of the batting lineup.


If a player misses their at-bat due to any reason, or is injured while on offense and has to be removed from the field of play, he/she will be removed from the lineup and the game will continue. The player cannot return to the lineup for the remainder of the game. All other players will continue to bat in the same order.

If, by removing the injured player from the lineup, the team drops to 8 players, then the player who was removed will count as an “out” each time it is his turn at-bat.

If, by removing the injured player from the lineup, the team drops to 7 or fewer players, the game is a forfeit.

Example: Player A hits the ball and twists his ankle rounding 1st base. The coach decides to put in a pinch runner. Once Player A has been replaced with a pinch runner, he/she will be removed from the lineup for the remainder of the game. (Even if the player ‘recovers’ and is ready to play by their next at-bat)

By removing Player A, the team’s lineup drops to 8 players. Each time Player A would have been up to bat, it is an automatic out.

“Mercy Rule” & 5-Run Rule:

JBO has adopted the 10 run rule for all divisions and levels during league play. The 10-run rule provides that a game will end after 5 innings (4 1/2 if home team is ahead) for Seniors, 4 innings (3 1/2 if home team is ahead) for Juniors and Minors, or any inning thereafter, when a team is 10 or more runs behind and has completed its turn at bat.

The “5-Run” rule states that there will be a 5-run rule per inning with the final inning open. The umpire must declare, prior to the start of any inning, that this is the final inning, based on the following conditions: time restriction, field condition, darkness or the final inning.

Division/Skill Level5-Run Rule?
All Minor LevelsYes
Junior NationalYes
Junior American/FederalNo
Senior NationalYes
Senior American/FederalNo

Dropped 3rd Strike Rule:

For Minor National & Minor American skill levels ONLY, the batter is out regardless of whether the third strike is caught or not.


Refer to Junior Baseball Organization for more information.