2024 WSYB District Tournament Host Venue’s




2024 WSYB District Tournament Team Berths (to play in WSYB 8 team double elimination district tournament)





Mandatory WSYB District Tournament Coaches Meeting

***The Head Coach must be present for each team qualified for a district championship tournament berth AND bring complete team scorebook with ALL scheduled/completed league game(s) info, results, etc…included for validation prior to confirmation or acceptance of their teams berth to WSYB 8 team double elimination championship tournament. Teams who do or can not provide/meet this requirement are subject to loss of berth eligibility & replacement per WSYB “Next up” postseason policy***

All week #1 teams / levels – Wednesday July 10th 6:30pm @ Forest Grove HS (North Fields Complex – Hitting Facility)

All week #2 teams / levels – Wednesday July 17th 6:30pm @ Forest Grove HS (North Fields Complex – Hitting Facility)

Final Day(s) of Play AND Deadline(s) for Game Reporting

Saturday July 6th – 11:59pm (Week#1)

Saturday July 13th – 11:59pm (Week#2)

Postseason tiebreakers are as follows:

  1. Head to Head
  2. Runs Allowed
  3. Runs Scored
  4. Coin Toss

Play-In & District Tournament Game Rules 

– ALL play-in games are played at the higher seeded teams home field. The home team(s) are responsible for providing new game balls (minimum of two) AND umpire(s) for the play-in game.

– National “no new inning” time limit is in effect at all age levels for “play-in” games.

– National “no new inning” time limit is waived at all age levels for WSYB double elimination district tournament games only.  All other National level rules as defined by Rule X (pages 14-16) of the 2024 JBO Rule Book remain in effect.

– All WSYB Play-In & District Tournament games must be completed. The only legal game for WSYB Play-In & District Tournament games is a completed game as defined by Rule I (page 3) OR 10 run rule as defined by Rule VII-I (page 11) of the 2024 JBO Rule Book.

– JBO Regular Season Pitch Count / Day(s) of Rest Rule IX (pages 13-14) is in effect for all WSYB single elimination play-in games determining team(s) advancing to WSYB postseason district tournament(s). Player pitch count(s), day(s) of rest & max per day threshold(s) defined for each age level apply to regular season player pitch count totals / days of rest eligibility from previous game to play-in game & do not carry into post season tournament play. Violation(s) to Rule IX occurring in any play-in game are subject to assessment in WSYB post season district tournament and / or as deemed necessary by WSYB.

– JBO Rule XII (pages 17-20) is in effect for all WSYB 8 team double elimination district tournament bracket games. FTB is not allowed at any day(s) of rest, max per day and / or tournament max pitch count threshold(s).

– There is no ten-run rule in the WSYB District Championship or “If Necessary” game(s) for Junior Federal, Senior American and Senior Federal. All other levels will have ten-run rule in effect (JBO Rule XII-4-D / page 18)

– JBO Rule XII-4-F (page 19) is in effect for all WSYB double elimination district tournament bracket games.

– JBO Rule 5-D (page 20) will be used to determine Home & Away team(s) in all WSYB double elimination district tournament bracket games.

Play-in Game Dates / Times

All Week#1 Teams / Levels –  Monday July 8th & Tuesday July 9th @ 6pm (WSYB regular season game reporting rules & policy applies – winning team(s) must report play-in game results before noon July 10th)

All Week#2 Teams / Levels – Tuesday July 16th @ 6pm (WSYB regular season game reporting rules & policy applies – winning team(s) must report play-in game results before noon July 17th)

***Penalty for winning team(s) not reporting play-in game results prior to posted deadline(s) OR by / within WSYB game reporting rules & policy is a forfeit loss of play-in game with 8 team district tournament berth awarded to opposing / losing team***

****ANY team unable to accept a berth (play-in game and/or seeded berth to 8 team WSYB District Championship tournament INCLUDING JBO State Championship Tournament) regardless of reason will be replaced by the NEXT TEAM UP based on same criteria used to determine play-in and championship tournament seeding(s) or team with next best finish in bracket play (if necessary to fill WSYB total berths to JBO State Championship)****

Number of JBO State Championship Berths Awarded to WSYB District Teams

Minor National = 2 

Minor American = 2*** (Team finishing 3rd in WSYB District Tournament will have a play-in game vs Valley District 3rd place team at a location & time TBD. Winning team advances to Minor American JBO State Championship Tournament)***

Minor Federal = 3

Junior National = 2

Junior American = 3

Junior Federal = 3

Senior National = 3

Senior American = 3

Senior Federal = 3

For more information on 2024 JBO State Championship Tournaments visit
