slideshow_59aThe pitch count is based on pitches thrown for strikes, balls, foul balls, and outs. Warm-up pitches, pick-off attempts, and ‘no pitch’ calls by the umpire do not count towards the pitch count.

The maximum number of pitches is based on the level of play. Specific rest periods are in place when a pitcher reaches specific thresholds of pitches delivered in a day.

DivisionMax. Per DayPitch CountDays RestPitch CountDays RestPitch CountDays RestPitch CountDays Rest

At all levels of play, in a double-header league contest, a pitcher may pitch in 2 games in the same day, provided they do not pitch more than 20 pitches (Minors) 25 pitches (Juniors) or 30 pitches (Seniors) in the first game.

Intentional Walks: Intentional walks should be verbally communicated to the batter and umpire and no pitches should be thrown.

Tournaments: Pitch counts for weekend Invitational tournaments are not tracked by Westside Youth Baseball and therefore do not impact pitching during league play.

Monitoring Process:

Each team’s scorekeeper or designated official tracks the pitch counts. After each half inning, the scorekeepers confer with each other. If there is a conflict, home book’s count becomes official. It is the head coach’s responsibility to know when his/her pitcher needs to be removed.

Reporting Pitch Counts:

Days of Rest: 1 calendar day equals 1 day of rest.

Violation of this rule:

The team in violation forfeits the game in which the violation occurred. The head coach is suspended for 1 game.